0961 What Network? Smart Globe or TM Telecom

In the Philippines, there are a lot of telecommunication companies that offer specific number codes for thier users. This prefix or number belongs to one of the network code names Smart Communication or TNT.
It helps everyone to understand the network. Are you wondering about 0961 What Network is it associated with? Let’s discuss and make it easy to understand what the 0961 network belongs to.
Which company uses 0961 prefix?
0961 number code belongs to Smart Communication or TNT (Talk ‘N Text).

Why is it important to know the 0961 Network?
When you use your Smart of TNT SIM Card for calls, text, or use the internet. Then, your phone connects to the mobile network. This network helps to manage the calls, texts, or signals. Moreover, if you are making calls or texts to your friend or family member on the same network.
This will help you to save the cost. Each network has its own specific plans and services. So, it is very important to know which network you are using.
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