0994 What Network? DITO Smart or Globe Telecom
If you ever see a phone number starting with 0994, you may be curious about 0994 What Network which telecom company it belongs to? In the Philippines, 0994 belongs to DITO Telecommunity which is a telecommunication company.
Let’s discuss the prefix and also learn more details about it.
0994 What Network Belongs to?
0994 is a number code of the mobile network which belongs to DITO Telecommunity. DITO is one of the leading telecommunication companies.
What are the numbers of DITO SIM?
DITO offers a variety of numbers for its users. You need to register your DITO SIM to use the SIM more efficiently. Each code represents the network of its telecom company. There is a list of prefixes available for the DITO users.
To know the details of the prefixes you have to visit the official DITO SIM App, website, or a nearby retail shop. These prefixes are only assigned to those who purchase DITO SIM cards.
Read Here: Is DITO SIM Smart or Globe? Get Details
Is purchasing a DITO SIM-free?
No, purchasing a DITO SIM Card can cost. They offer a variety of SIM cards with different packages. You can buy these SIM Cards from the official DITO App or online stores such as DITO eShop, Lazada, or Shoppe. Remember that the prices of each SIM Card are different according to their packages.
Also Read: DITO SIM Card Price? Which Stores Offer